These fabrics below can be used on the Tetrad Heritage collection of sofas and chairs.
Please call us on 01283 740004 or email us on [email protected] if you would like any samples posting so you can check the colours in your own home. GROUP 2 TETRAD HERITAGE FABRICS- Boho Blanco
- Boho Cloud
- Boho Cocoa
- Boho Denim
- Boho Heather
- Boho Parchment
- Boho Storm
- Biarritz Delft
- Biarritz Flint
- Biarritz Lichen
- Biarritz Magnesium
- Biarritz Ore
- Enigma Claret
- Enigma Natural
- Fiesta Chocolate
- Saville Linen Clay
- Saville Linen Natural
- Saville Linen Silver
- Salville Linen Steel
Vintage Velvet Cinnamon -
Vintage Velvet Copper -
Vintage Velvet Olive -
Vintage Velvet Sand
- Linen Mix Blueberry
- Linen Mix Blush
- Linen Mix Custard
- Linen Mix Dusk
- Linen Mix Mint
- Linen Mix Mushroom
- Linen Mix Ocean
- Modena Ash
- Modena Chestnut
- Modena Delft Blue
- Modena Forest Green
- Modena Heather
- Modena Plum
- Modena Regency Grey
- Modena Sand
- Modena Teal
- Oscar Chalky Violet
- Oscar Charcoal
- Oscar Dahlia Red
- Oscar Dusky Pink
- Oscar Lotus
- Oscar Mouse
- Oscar Mustard
- Oscar Powder Grey
- Oscar Royal Blue
- Oscar Rust
- Oscar Slate
- Oscar Teal Green
- Oscar Vintage Green
- Coco Velvet Olive
- Coco Velvet Pearl
- Coco Velvet Sand
- Coco Velvet Slate
- Coco Velvet Violet
- Mountain Flax
- Varese Cadet
- Varese Currant
- Varese Duck Egg
- Varese Granite
- Varese Ochre
- Varese Platinum
- Varese Prussian
- Varese Rose
- Varese Smoke
- Varese Viola
- Bottega Amber
- Bottega Dijon
- Bottega Grey
- Bottega Mint
- Bottega Moss Green
- Bottega Natural
- Bottega Taupe
- Bottega Teal
- Bukhara Graphite
- Bukhara Saffron
- Empire Cinnamon
- Fez Indigo
- Fez Paprika
- Fez Wine
- Java Lotus
- Kew Indigo
Persia New Gold -
Persia Old Gold -
Persia Royal
Please call us on 01283 740004 or email us on [email protected] if you would like any samples posting so you can check the colours in your own home.